European Trade Controls Compliance Strategic Summit, 3-4 December 2025, Washington DC, USA

European Trade Controls Compliance Strategic Summit, 3-4 December 2025, Washington DC, USA

Our Annual 2-Day Summit on European, EU and EU Member State Import and Export Trade Controls: The Strategy and Policy Perspective.

European Trade Controls Compliance Strategic Summit

Our Annual 2-Day Summit on European, EU and EU Member State Import and Export Trade Controls: The Strategy and Policy Perspective.

We all understand the extra territoriality of US Defence Controls but are you fully up to date on what is taking place ‘across the pond’?

In Europe, sanctions and export controls are forcing themselves onto the corporate compliance agenda as never before. Trade war is discussed openly and earnestly for the first time and as always, the pressure means you as the compliance executive must find solutions. The need for keeping up to date has never been so important. By working closely with our US and EU trade compliance clients we understand the issues you are working with and have produced a program which over two days will give you a clearer understanding of the European export Regulations, open lines of communication with EU and EU Member State Regulators and shed light on the solutions available.

As a senior executive it is your role to ensure compliance but beating a path through the smoke can take time and limited resources, so where do you go for balanced, authoritative advice?

Every year in Washington D.C. Nielsonsmith will be bringing a select group of EU Member State and EU Commission Regulators together, along with specialist corporate executives to discuss and understand how best to work with the regulation. In depth, one-hour, interactive presentations allow you to ask the questions you need unbiased answers to.

Nielsonsmith is a boutique trade compliance conference company here for the long term, we understand corporate budgets for compliance training are limited so price our events with this in mind, please drop us a line to learn more.

Should you wish to join our esteemed speaker panel at the European Trade Controls Compliance Strategic Summit, please contact Miss Isra Mahmoud on


The agenda for the European Trade Controls Compliance Strategic Summit is prepared by and for industry professionals,

Should you wish to join our esteemed speaker panel at this event, please contact Miss Isra Mahmoud on

Please contact your NielsonSmith representative to discuss the programme in more depth.

Sayari provides global corporate transparency and supply chain risk identification for government and industry. Its commercial risk intelligence software harvests comprehensive corporate and trade data from more than 250 jurisdictions worldwide and surfaces previously hidden risk insights in an intuitive network analysis platform.

Since its founding in 2015, Sayari has earned the trust of top financial institutions, Fortune 100 corporations, and government agencies, securing a $40M Series C in 2021. Sayari is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and its solutions are used by thousands of frontline analysts in 35 countries.

To learn how Sayari powers safer global commerce, please visit

Should you wish to become our Partner at this event, please contact Mr. Reyhan Perera on

Full 2-Day Conference Ticket Price for 1 person – 2199 USD

including the Company-wide Post-Event Microsite license for 1 year  

European Trade Controls Compliance Strategic Summit: 2 Day Conference

Please note, we will not charge VAT on this price. The price includes all sessions, lunch, refreshments and available documentation. Please contact us for Group Booking Discounts. Please note: “Vendor” companies may attend as sponsors only.

Conference Venue